Happy New Year. As travelers, we are anxious to move forward, get the vaccine and re-boot our lifestyle of adventure.

During this waiting period, we have gained a new perspective on travel.

• Our favorite words- “what’s next?” has taken on a different meaning. With transcontinental trips on hold, we have put more focus on safe travel within the contiguous 48 states. BUT, that has not stopped us from doing some serious travel planning for the next two years.

• We have been inspired by favorite travel writers Bill Bryson, Pico Iyer, Jan Morris and Lin Yutang. Reading of their adventures reminds us of the kind of storytelling that is clear, fun, and motivating. Favorite quote comes from Yutang – “One who travels does so in order to open their ears and eyes and relax their spirit.”

• The absence of travel is like the earth without wind. The sail boats are anchored, the kites no longer fly, and the trees come to a sudden sadness. Travel creates such a deep sense of delight that our internal clocks are officially “off.”

We long for the days for far journeying winds, when we see the western sun hiding itself from the bursting eastern moon; when the light of clouds shines forth in all directions; when we see the peaks change colors with glorious sunrises; when the oceans march in a cadence bringing forth treasures of the sea for hunched over travelers to scoop them up.

Let us go to the east, west, north or even south…..just let us go again.