When it comes to sensory travel and living seasonally, the Big Island of Hawaii is at the top of the list of places to reside.

Imagine 900 Kona coffee farms! Whether you are living there in March or April whenthis jasmine family flower fills the air or during harvest season, starting in August, to
smell the roasting of beans, this destination hits a high note for the olfactory.

Here are two other fragrances for you to take in:
1. Rum Cake at Kona Gold Rum Company. They use 1/8 of cup of rum, but it smells like more.
2. Sweet bread from the Punalu’u Bakery. Could be the singular greatest aromatic bakery between here and Austria featuring their famous Malasada’s. Try their apple
filled Malasada’s for an extra treat.

The most spectacular sites to see-
1. Rainbow Falls- our first return these majestic falls in 31 years!
2. Our favorite beaches of Hapuna and Kahalu’u Beach for snorkling, Mahai’ulu Beach reached through a sea of lava, Punaluʻu beach (black sand + turtles!), and
Papakōlea (green sand). Our Christmas Tree made up of ornaments filled with beach sand will never be the same.

Memorable sounds abound on the Big Island:
1. Staying at the Hale-Hoola B&B, a gorgeous property operated by Carl and provided a stunning view and was backed up to a grove of trees occupied by wild
piggies, boars and tiny piglets. They made sound reminiscent of Jurassic Park’s velociraptors. They seemed to grow quiet, the morning that bacon was served!
2. Listen to radio station KWXX Radio 101.5 Kona and hear all the classic Hawaiian songs. It was so enchanting that we used this music bed as we taped B-roll for our
Living Seasonally television series.
3. The night time sounds of the coqui frogs, the birds and the rain became a daily lullaby that swept us off to golden slumbers.

Memorable Tastes:
1. Hands down, the best fish was served at Umeke featuring Ahi Tuna Al dente. The most extraordinary fish tacos were devoured at Killer Tacos. Our burritos, easily the size of
two stomachs, was delicately presented in a beautiful green spinach wrap. Yummy.
2. Being fans of Kona coffee, we consumed too many cups each day. The most spectacular cup was Peaberry’s served at Hawaii’s Local Buzz. They served us an
abundance of sweet samples including our favorite- Chocolate Caramel Coffee Bean Crunch. This stuff will make you high.

Memorable Touch- we measure touch by the new friends we made.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1.Susan at Heavenly Coffee Farms was our host for the morning. You will hear her on an upcoming podcast. Her and her family moved here and they are living the good life.
2.Our newest friends from the B&B are Austrians Stefan and Marie Tischlinger. These 31 year old globe trotters have lived seasonally in Florida, Costa Rica, Australia and Iceland.

Overall, the big of island delivered large results of sensory experiences. We will return!