Gondolas gliding through the canals of Venice

Dazzling Venice

A city sitting on wood ! Literally. Wooden stakes imported from Croatia and Montenegro were hammered into the ocean to create the platforms for all of the buildings in Venice. Over time, these wooden pegs, kept from decay because they are underwater, have literally turned to stone. One church, Santa Maria Della Salute, has 1,106,657 stakes to hold up this spectacular structure.

Venice dazzled us the first time we visited and each time thereafter. We love wandering and getting lost down the alleys. You run into water and you turn and try another narrow winding lane. It’s an adventure every time.

Here are Carla’s Secret walks in this fascinating city on stilts:

San Polo – wander north from the Frari Church or Campo San Polo to Campo San Giacomo Dell’orio, then west towards Ponte Scalzi.

Cannaregio – walk the whole east to west length of the sestieri that is north of Rio della Misericordia, then all the way through the northernmost part of Castello. Pass through Campo San Francesco della Vigna, then head southeast towards the Arsenale. Then wander back to Campo Santa Maria Formosa.


Quintessential Venice


Dorsoduro – start at Campo San Trovaso, head west towards Chiesa San Nicolo dei Mendicoli. Then, work your way roughly north and east towards Campo San Pantalon.

Also, head to Sant’Elena, at the extreme eastern end of Castello. Although the paths here aren’t as old and windy as the older parts of Venice, you won’t see many other people.

Campo San Giacomo dell’Orio is a delightful campo in Venice, and wandering San Polo’s twisted calle and rios is very rewarding. And definitely, walk the area around Chiesa Santa Maria dei Miracoli in the evening to see the lights reflecting on the white exterior of this church.

Campo San Margherita and Campo San Polo are very lively at night. It’s a great evening stroll.

A new Lodging:

Hotel Al Ponte Moncenigo – a private bridge stepping into a charming courtyard, this palacio is situated on the quiet Rio di San Stae canal and is just minutes from the Rialto Bridge.

Santa Croce, 1985

Go and explore and get incandescently lost and transformed in Venice !