Rick and I thoroughly loved our cooking class with Elena at Borgo Argenina

Secret Italian Lodging Discoveries

I found three delightful Italian lodgings and I must share them.

Cortona – Driving through Tuscany in 2012, we decided that we had to see Cortona because we had just watched the fabulous movie, Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes. Bramasole had to be found. The quaint hillside village with cobblestones and winding alleys captured our fancy immediately and we determined that we had to stay the night. Strolling down Via Nazionale from Piazza Pescheria, two B&B’s were right beside each other. I rang one doorbell and Rick rang the other. Mine answered. Jeanette at Casa Chilenne opened the door and ushered us in. She sat us in the breakfast room and offered up her freshly baked apple cake with cappuccino. We were in heaven. Our room had a balcony with a panoramic view of the Tuscan countryside where we sat and drank a bottle of wine. The next morning we had our choice of eggs. In Italy, one doesn’t find eggs often so we were delighted. We feasted on eggs and bacon and homemade banana cake. We put this B&B in our top places to stay. Casa Chilenne B&B, Via Nazional, 65, Cortona. casachilenne.com

Gaiole in Chianti – On our jaunt through Italy with Steve and Sue, we discovered this agriturismo and fell in love with Elena at Borgo Argenina. One of our special memories was the cooking class. Elena told us to go and explore the countryside, but be back by 5 pm to participate in her class where all the guests become chefs for one evening. All ten of us chopped chocolate, poured in “more wine” into the stock pot of ragu sauce, and soaked ladyfingers in rum for tiramasu. We laughed and drank wine as we prepared this meal around her massive wooden table in the kitchen. And then we all sat down to a feast. It was such a memorable experience! The next morning we sat on the stone patio with homemade pastries, fried eggs, and cappuccinos overlooking the vast vineyard. We were so tickled and pleased that we found this great lodging spot. Borgo Argenina, borgoargenina.it, info@elenatuscany.it

Arezzo – On our last visit to Florence, we took a trip to San Marino. It was another country so we had to add it to our list. And on the drive back into Florence, we stopped in Arezzo. Finding Chiusa dei Monaci on a whim, we drove into town and pulled into this farmhouse by the creek. An old mill dating from 1150 complete with the original stone floor, this delicious find was perfect for us. Staying in the Michelangelo room, Rick and I feasted on the most expansive breakfast prepared by Cinzia. Crostada from her kitchen, salamis and pecorino cheese from the local market, and fresh homemade jams rounded out the feast. We loved her mission, “Ubi bene, ibi patria”. Where you feel comfortable, there is your home. Magnifico ! B&B La Chiusa dei Monaci, Via Molinara, 43, Arezzo. chiusadeimonaci.it

Feast of Breakfast foods at Chiusa dei Monaci in Arezzo

Cinzia at Chiusa dei Monaci in Arezzo cooked a breakfast feast for us