Rick’s Blog

Welcome to our Living Seasonally site. Enjoy our two “dueling banjos” blog posts. Like a scene from 13 going 30 about Mentos, these two perspectives are like a “mint and candy.”

LivingSeaonally.com is unique in that you will read a His and Her version of experiences. Carla is the travel genius, knows all the detail, where to go, how to economize, and where all the experiential action is….around the globe.

I’m more of the philosopher, a bi product of reading too much Dr. Lin Yutang, Pico Iyer, Thomas Moore, Bill Bryson, Frances Mayes and Pauline Frommer. Between Carla and me, I’m the strategist, providing overarching architecture to a life in pursuit of happiness.

For a number of decades, we were in servitude to corporate America, living in some choice locations with each new promotion. We experienced the “happiest” Winters in Boca Raton, Florida, blossoming Spring in Raleigh, North Carolina glorious Autumn in Londonderry, New Hampshire and adventurous summers in Boulder, Colorado.

From those four pillars was built the idea to Live Seasonally. The philosophy now moves globally as we tap into some of our happiest locations around the world, further transforming our notion of travel into a definitive lifestyle.

What pushed us off the cliff into living seasonally? We will always point back to the day that Serban Maracine, our Edward Jones financial advisor sat in our kitchen at our home in Lafayette, Colorado. We got into a philosophical conversation about happiness. Serban asked- what truly makes you happy? In a nanosecond, TRAVELING, was simultaneously blurted out. In that moment, quotes of ancient mariners flooded my head….

“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” Anonymous

“Most people master the art of postponing the start.” Mokokam Mokhonoana

“Procrastination is the soul rebelling against entrapment.” Were we really entrapped in Colorado or was the quest welling up inside of us, ready to explode with the slightest prompt from Serban?

The answer was….we were on the verge of Living Seasonally for many years. Serban showed us how it was possible to make it a reality. The key parts….don’t quit work. Your publishing business in the art world can be managed anywhere across the globe, but sell your house and sail away.

Free yourself of mortgage payments and the responsibilities that keep you moored to home ownership.

We said YES to this plan and the rest is history. Living Seasonally began the day we sold. We boldly set course writing a new chapter with a bumper sticker that shouted…”Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die left undone.”

It’s off to reclaim our happiest places in the world and find new ones that change our lives.