Bronze bust of Audrey Hepburn in the square in Tolochenaz

Alluring Audrey Hepburn

Our daughter, Heather, thoroughly enjoyed Audrey Hepburn movies and her iconic style when she was a teenager. I loved Sabrina and Roman Holiday. I, too, adored her.

So, when we were in Lausanne, Switzerland after our amazing time in the Berner Oberland region, we knew that we had to visit her home of 30 years, Tolochenaz.

Booking a train ticket on, we paid 3.70 CHF for the 10 minute ride from Lausanne into Morges. Hopping off the train, we literally caught Bus 702 right outside Morges Gare train station for the 1.7 mile ride to the center of this tiny village, Tolochenaz, set up on a rise overlooking the blue water of Lake Geneva. We were dropped right in the middle of the square by the City Hall on the intersection of Rue du Ctre and Route de la Gare.

This location has the bronze bust of Audrey Hepburn with a small pamphlet noting locations in this quaint and quiet village to visit.


Audrey Hepburn's funeral was held at this church

The lovely church where Audrey’s funeral was held


We walked north on Rue du Ctre to view the church where her funeral was held. And then wandered west on Rue du Ctre to Route de Lully to La Paisible, Audrey’s charming, ivy covered 18th century farmhouse that she called home for so many years after her movie career. Meaning “peaceful” in French, you truly understood why she named her home for the lovely landscape we were viewing.


Audrey lived here in La Paisible for 30 years

La Paisible, Audrey’s home for 30 years


Heading north on Route de Lully, we paid our respects at her gravesite.

The grave of Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn’s gravesite

After her burial, Gregory Peck, her costar in Roman Holiday, recited her favorite poem from Rabindranath Tagore, an Indian poet:

Unending Love

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times…
In life after life, in age after age, forever.
My spellbound heart has made and remade the necklace of songs,
That you take as a gift, wear round your neck in your many forms,
In life after life, in age after age, forever.

It was such an awesome day and we were so glad that we took the few minutes to visit Tolochenaz.