Secrets of Scotland

Secrets of Scotland

Rick and I made a quick trip to Scotland on our way back to the US. We will return to explore Edinburgh and the Scottish Highlands. But this fast foray into the country whetted our appetite for more. Flying into Glasgow, we rented a car and drove off for the 30 minute...
Sensory Seattle

Sensory Seattle

We planned a great week long excursion to Washington State with Steve and Sue. The desire was to kayak in the San Juan Islands and then hike in Olympic National Park. Here was our excellent plan: We flew into Seattle and stayed at the delightful Hideaway Lodge B&B...
House by Christmas?

House by Christmas?

Not everyone needs a gap year or years. It makes so much sense for us and this was a great transition period for Rick and me. But we had several factors happening in our lives and not everyone, heck, maybe no one, has the same life events going on. And many people...
Two Humans Rise to their Full Potential

Two Humans Rise to their Full Potential

As we stroll down the Arno River on a morning walk, Carla and I took a deep breath and talked about what living seasonally means to us. We were holding hands…again. While we have relatives in the US calling us hobos like the old Red Skelton routine of Clem...
How I Did It – Purge, That Is…

How I Did It – Purge, That Is…

Living in Florida, a friend of ours prattled on about their collections one evening while we drank wine in their backyard. Our daughters were young, and they, too, had begun to collect stuffed pandas and white tigers. And Rick had begun collecting corkscrews with his...