Restored in Cortona

Restored in Cortona

While we would love for all of you to consider living seasonally as a lifestyle, this rational decision is strictly up to you. Decisions are easy. We get tangled up in family, work, community, important obligations and find ourselves in what we call “oblig”...
Living Over the Rainbow

Living Over the Rainbow

“Human society would be like an idealistic couple forever getting tired of one place and changing their residence regularly once every three months, for the simple reason that no one place is ideal and the place where one is not seems always better because one is not...
Breathtaking Buenos Aires

Breathtaking Buenos Aires

Visiting Buenos Aires for a week, we settled into the rhythms of this vibrant city. Here are our Secret takeaways from this magnetic South American icon: We appreciate the novel lodging choices, so we decided on a B&B in the Monserrat neighborhood just south of...
Wine and Pastry Tour of France

Wine and Pastry Tour of France

Rick and I planned a delightful tour of France and Germany for our anniversary. Here are some fab findings through the Alsace region of France as we followed the Route des vins d’Alsace – the Alsace wine route. Colmar – The Venice of France is indeed...
Wine and Pastry Tour of Germany

Wine and Pastry Tour of Germany

I found an array of special secrets as I began to plan an anniversary tour of Germany and France for Rick and I. It had to include wine and pastries! Flying into Frankfurt, we drove off to our favorite village, Bacharach, to feast on the Wine Cheese Soup at Altes...