Vietnam Bike Tour in Nha Trang

Vietnam Bike Tour in Nha Trang

Hopping off our Princess Cruise in Nha Trang, Vietnam, Rick and I and Ken and Rosealie located Dang from Pham Tours. Whisking us away to the narrow alley of his bike shop, we spotted a man shoveling bread from his oven into a basket. Overwhelmed by the aroma, we...
Chile Wine Tasting in the Casablanca Valley

Chile Wine Tasting in the Casablanca Valley

Flying into Santiago, Chile, Rick and I and David and Sallie drove off for the Casablanca Valley. Located in lush, rolling hills, the entire region extends between Santiago beneath the snowcapped Andes Mountains and Valparaiso on the Pacific Coast. Wineries dotted the...
Bike Tours of Lima

Bike Tours of Lima

We love activity when we travel, so a Lima, Peru event included a great find of Bike Tours of Lima. Departing the ship, Rick and I and Ken and Rosealie walked the 10 minutes to the bike offices in town. Donning our helmets, we adjusted our bike seats and took off...
Panama Hats are Really Made in Ecuador

Panama Hats are Really Made in Ecuador

I pride myself on finding the authentic and the unusual. So when we were headed to Manta, Ecuador on our Holland Cruise, I researched the area and found an amazing discovery. Panama Hats originated in the small village of Montecristi, just minutes from the port town...
Living in Florence

Living in Florence

Pinch me, I’m waking up in Florence everyday. We are now officially living in one of the happiest and most exhilarating cities in all of the world! Walking out of our rented apartment, we took a left turn, ventured north, and headed down to the Arno River. As if the...