There is something magical about traveling and I miss it something fierce. My body aches for that moment of awe and bliss when the jet is about to land in a faraway country and you just shiver in anticipation of everything you will get to experience. I look out the...

Happy New Year. As travelers, we are anxious to move forward, get the vaccine and re-boot our lifestyle of adventure. During this waiting period, we have gained a new perspective on travel. • Our favorite words- “what’s next?” has taken on a different meaning. With...
Being Silly in Seville

Being Silly in Seville

Living in one country and talking numerous days trips has become a part of our regular travel habit. Today we journeyed to Seville, sprawling cultural api-center of two million Spaniards. I was humming The Shady Dame from Sevilla, our favorite song from Victor...
Leonardo da Vinci, Master of Inventiveness

Leonardo da Vinci, Master of Inventiveness

Rick and I hiked up to Monte Ciceri above Florence, Italy to witness the location of Da Vinci’s first winged flight in 1509. We marveled at his Last Supper in Milan. We stood in awe at the Mona Lisa in the Louvre. While in Venice, we toured his museum. So when I...
Prodigious Provence

Prodigious Provence

In my Fascinating French Finds Secret post, I detailed our itinerary from the Dordogne to the Provence region of France. And now, I need to expand on our Provence experiences. For this area, too, is just a dreamy part of Europe. While the Dordogne enchants you with...