How I Did It – Purge, That Is…

How I Did It – Purge, That Is…

Living in Florida, a friend of ours prattled on about their collections one evening while we drank wine in their backyard. Our daughters were young, and they, too, had begun to collect stuffed pandas and white tigers. And Rick had begun collecting corkscrews with his...
Wandering the World

Wandering the World

Rick and I love, love, love, LOVE to wander through colorful alleys and back roads, finding unique door knockers and signs, and taking pictures of crazy statues and especially the distinctive locals we come across. Our favorite travel photos come from this...
Creating Camaraderie

Creating Camaraderie

Taking a road trip through southern Montana and northern Wyoming, we marveled at our exquisite surroundings as we sat at the campfire beside our camping cabins in Cook City, Montana. A glass of wine, a warm fire (it was 52 degrees), and gazing up at the rock...
Living Over the Rainbow

Living Over the Rainbow

“Human society would be like an idealistic couple forever getting tired of one place and changing their residence regularly once every three months, for the simple reason that no one place is ideal and the place where one is not seems always better because one is not...
Discovering B&B’s

Discovering B&B’s

Meeting up with old friends that we had not seen in a few years, we sat down with our coffees and began to catch up. It would be wonderful to have them back in our lives again, so the questions began and the life stories began to unravel. And travel was discussed...
Learning Curve

Learning Curve

Sitting on my favorite stone wall overlooking the Arno River and the ancient Ponte Vecchio bridge, I am happy as a clam because I am reading. And pondering. Our incredible time in Florence is about to come to an end. I am so saddened and disheartened that I must leave...