Day Tripper to La-la-la Land

Day Tripper to La-la-la Land

In 1980, John Lennon was interviewed in Playboy about his song Day Tripper. Rumors were that the song was about tripping on acid. John corrected the reporter with “Day trippers are people who go on a day trip, right. Usually on a ferry boat or something. But it was...
Brunelleschi’s Road Map to Architectural Perfection

Brunelleschi’s Road Map to Architectural Perfection

I admit it. I’m not a map reader. That has been delegated to my built in genius wife, Carla, that I affectionately call Magellan. When we travel with Sue and Steve Lundgren, Steve and Carla always occupy the back seat of a rental and attempt to tell Sue and I where to...
Give ‘em the Middle Finger

Give ‘em the Middle Finger

Spend a longer day in Florence and the personal renaissance begins. This week, not one day, we breathed in Galileo. THUNDERBOLT AND LIGHTNING, VERY VERY FRIGHTENING ME. Freddie Mercury and Queen sang about him, but little did they know that Galileo was a bombastic,...